last year, at this time, i wore water proof mascara to church. why? because i could not make it though worship without crying. and our worship team had this horrible (by that i mean wonderful) habit of singing "Mighty To Save" week after week. the minute the drums intro-ed this song, the water works began. the chorus states:
Savior, He can move the mountains. My God is Mighty to Save. He is Mighty to Save. Forever, Author of Salvation. He rose and conquered the grave. Yes He conquered the grave.
every time we came to the chorus i could barely speak those first two lines. as the music rang i whispered those words as a prayer. fighting to hope that this was true of my God. i wanted to believe with my whole life that my Savior could move the mountains of my daughter's seizures. i wanted to fully trust that He was Mighty to Save her from her epilepsy. these words were an anchor for my soul and the hope i held onto when all else was dark.
we sang this song again this morning. once again the tears started up... and i forgot to put on my waterproof. hello racoon eyes. but when we got to the chorus i found myself singing the words with a brand new motivation. no longer was the line "He can move the mountains, My God is Mighty to Save" a prayer... it was a declaration. the joy that i feel in writing that and declaring that is awesome.
my Savior has moved mountains this past year. He was, and IS Mighty to Save. i hope i never have to cling to these promises again, although i'm sure i will. but when that day comes, i can cling to them while also KNOWING they are true.
amen sister.