those of you who know me well know that i'm not exactly a music connoisseur. or expert. or fanatic. i enjoy music, but i know little (ok, nothing) about what's cool. or up-and-coming. or on the edge. i usually borrow all my music insights and favorites from friends and family. you could say i'm a music poser.
that being said, i find it slightly amusing that i've decided to blog about my "playlist." there is nothing on this list that is some secret discovery- these are simply songs that the Lord used to speak to my heart during the really hard days of this past year. the Word of God was always a constant source of truth, and conversations with friends were amazing blessings, but praise songs spoke to my heart in a way that nothing else could. the following list is my makes-me-cry-but-i-love-and-need-the-truth-in-the-lyrics playlist. if you do not own these songs, buy them, now.
Mighty To Save by Hillsong
Everlasting God by Lincoln Brewster
Healing Is In Your Hands by Christy Nockels
My Help Comes From The Lord by The Museum
No Matter What by Kerrie Roberts
"The Love of The Lord Endures" by Joy Williams
**Couldn't find this one of GrooveShark, but ya'll need to find it and listen!**
Blessings by Laura Story
**New discovery and I heart the lyrics a lot**
Happy Listening!!
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