Monday, March 26, 2012

she got schooled

that's right folks... b is now an official student of ms. heather's preschool class.  today was her first day of class and she did brilliantly.  and so did this mama.  i was very brave and didn't shed one tear... but let's be honest, i was certainly on the verge.  but back to the star...

she rocked a new outfit and a new backpack, which is the size of her little brother.  but something needs to carry the take-home folder, so the monsterous backpack also attended it's first day of school.

highlights of her first day:
* she huggged her teacher as soon as she saw her
* her very own locker with her very own name tag
* a fire drill.  apparently she laughed through the entire thing
* drinking spilling from an open cup.  uh, yeah, we gotta work on that skill folks
* cried the entire way home.  sad to leave school?  or overwhelmed by the amount of stimulation?  probably both.

we did it.  we did our first day of school.  you can call us experts now.  ask us anything.  except for how to drink from an open cup.  we'll get back to you on that one.


  1. Yay, Briley! I forgot that this was the big week! And her outfit is SERIOUSLY cute.

  2. woo hoo! good for the child and the mama!

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