if you have read my previous posts, you will probably have a decent idea of how she is doing physically and developmentally. so this post is all about the fun little things that i love about her... the side of life that might change overnight, but for today brings me so much joy.
1. her profile. that's it. i love her profile
2. her voice. i think she has the sweetest little voice. her words may still be in development, but her voice makes any word sound better. the following videos are probably only cute to me (and maybe a grandmother or two) but it showcases a couple of her favorite phrases... "where'd the baby go?" "all done" and "ok, yeah" (which is her favortie response to ANY question) in that voice i can't resist.
3. her laugh. very few people would argue that a child's laugh is one of the best sounds, ever. and boo's laugh is no exception. it's cute, it's full of life, it's unrestrained. and, at times, it sounds like a pterodactyl. it's true. there is no better way to describe it. a full on, breath-in squeal, that might just remind you of a scene in jurassic park. the video DOES NOT do the laugh justice, but it gives you a taste. hopefully i will capture the pterodactyl in all it's glory soon. it is truly an epic laugh.
4. her personality. b is truly the most joyful and content person i have ever met, child or adult. her joy in all things is, well, a gift. in over 2.5 years of life she has never thrown a temper tantrum. never. in fact, i've never even seen her mad. she finds delight in everything. sheer joy. always.
5. the randoms. a list of the un-categorizable traits...
* she loves to play "giddy up" with anything- dog, brother, mom, dad, toy... if it fits betwen her legs, it can be a pretend horse.
* she squeals/grunts every time she tries to lift a heavy or awkwardly shaped object (hard to explain but hilarious to watch)
* she sticks out her tongue and says "blaaahhh" at every mirror or window she passes (a game we started playing to help improve her tongue strength... and it stuck)
* she is shy around strangers but will let anyone hold her
all this just doesn't come close to doing justice in describing this amazing little girl. she's special. and joyful. and full of life. and sensitive. and tenderhearted. and loving. and sweet. and gentle. and seizure free. yes, that last one is what i am thankful for today (all you facebook friends). it was around this time last year, the week after daylight savings, that b seemed to stop having seizures. so, today i'm declaring that she has been seizure free for one year. one long, good, hard, trying and blessed year. such a fabulous reason to be thankful. if you have been praying for her, thank you. today i am testifying that your prayers are being answered. seizure free!
james grimmer JUNIOR! she is so sweet and so cute and her words have improved so much! so proud of her.