Monday, January 31, 2011

and so it begins...

so the idea of starting a blog has been haunting me for some time now.  and, when several people, over the past month, have asked me if i have one, or suggested that i start one, this random idea began to gain more legitimacy.  but i'm not a writer.  in fact, i was a math major in college partially so that i didn't have to write.  so why would i want to take on a task that is nothing but writing?  well, here's a partial list of reasons:
1) my mind is a vast cavern of ideas and thoughts that never seem to settle, and my 2 year old and 7 week old do not seem entirely interested in discussing them with me.
2) i love to think, hear other people's thoughts and then be moved and changed to become better and wiser.
3) although i would describe my life as "relatively normal," i have discovered that everyone has a story to tell, and maybe, just maybe, my story may encourage and challenge you.
4) isaiah 58.6-7 calls me to "loose the chain of injustice," and "share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter."  in reading this, i find myself challenged to share what i have learned or am learning so that someone else may find their chain's losed, or find their soul's fed, or find a place of shelter for their heart.

in my life's journey i have gained encouragement and challenge from the struggles, joys, hardships and victories others have shared with me.  of course i can't find the verse right now, but doesn't it say somewhere in the Bible that we are to use the hard times and lessons God has given/taught us to encourage and bless others?  so that's what i'm doing.  or hope to do. 

honestly i have no idea where this blog is headed.  i'm pretty sure i will never have one of those fun "give-aways" that you find on the really great blogs- mostly because i'm not crafty or creative, and probably because i'm a little cheap :)  i probably won't have amazing "mom" ideas- how to dress cute (are you kidding me, have you seen my closet?), fun indoor activities for kiddos (can we say "movie"), or inspired teaching and training moments (i usually steal these ideas from others.)  but i do know that this will be filled with my heart.  my heart for the Lord.  my heart for family.  my heart for growing and changing and becoming more and more like Christ, and walking with others as they do the same.

so i invite you to walk with me.  this could be fun...

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