an apology for my long absence just seems, well, pointless. i've apologized in the past for my absence and i'm sure that sometime in the future i will have another long absence. maybe we should all just recognize these periods of absence as a regular part of my blogging experience and get over it. yeah? great...
no great reason for the lack of posts this month... just... life. life has felt full over the past several weeks. some reasons obvious, others not so much. the obvious reasons are worth mentioning so in a very brief summary here's what these past few weeks have held:
1) sickness. we've all held some form of a cold, but the G-man takes home the trophy in this category. wednesday he was diagnosed with: infantigo, hand-foot-mouth disease, a sinus infection and a cold sore. oh, and did i mention he's gotten 5 new teeth in the past 3 weeks? sad-sad-red-faced-blistering-snot-nosed-cranky-super-contagious-little-boy. i have pics but i'm pretty sure you don't want to see it. just look it up, k?
2) school. b tested with the special needs pre-school in town thursday morning. i have no idea how she did in the tests since they ushered me out and asked me to play on my phone for 2 hours. ok, maybe not, but i did not get to watch her testing, so i'll just have to wait to hear her scores and their judgements on her schooling needs. hopefully i'll disect all that's been going through my heart and head regarding this in a later (but sooner) post.
3) sacrifices. oh there is just so much that i feel i can say about this, but i'll keep it short. first, i feel like the Lord is stuffing my face full of my selfishness and asking me to let go... OF ME. wow, i just demand ME so much. wifehood and motherhood are great ways to see your selfishness and they offer opportunities to let go of self. but seriously, even with both of these roles, i still cling to me and demand me. ALL.THE.TIME. second, the hubs and i are facing a small situation where we are feeling the need to let go of our desires for... obedience? maybe? sorry to be vague. let's just say, that obedience which demands rejecting your desires is rough. refining, baby, refining.
that's all for now. i mean, it's not all. it's only feels like the tip of the iceburg. but without any fun pictures to include i know i'll loose my audience quickly :) so i'll stop. hopefully more to come (with pictures) soon, and i do mean quicker-than-a-month-from-now soon.